Looking for your own website?

COIN Services is looking for a few small or medium sized business owners who want to have their own web presence.

Why COIN Services?

  1. We are a small local business. We can focus on your unique needs. We prefer the ‘small batch’ approach.
  2. We are experts. We have nearly 30 years of experience working with all aspects of the Internet.
  3. We can speak your language. We can explain the technical terms in words that you can understand.
  4. We allow you to be as hands-on or hands-off as you wish.
  5. Our websites are built on industry standard Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP servers using the latest CPanel technoligy.
  6. You retain ownership of your domain name. We consider that to be your Intellectual Property.
  7. We never steal or hold your domain name ransom.
  8. You can easilly port your whole website to another hosting company using CPanel without any loss.
  9. Our pricing is competitive with the ‘Big Tech’ companies.

Websites are not necessarily a “one size fits all” product. Our web packages are configurable to you and your business. Pricing is as low as $50 for setup and $12 per month if you can do your own design.

CONTACT US to discuss your particular needs.






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