What does it take to get on the internet with your business, hobby or interest? This is just what I have been doing practically since the Internet started being used publicly.
Step1: You need a Domain name.
What is a Domain name? It is YOUR piece of the Internet. It is how people get to know you and communicate with you. Your Domain name is your unique identifier. Your website and email should both reflect your domain. A Domain name is purchased (actually more like a lease) from a Registrar. You purchase it on a yearly basis. As long as you keep the Registrar paid, you own the Domain name. Not all Registrars charge the same. Some are double what others may be. You can transfer your Domain name to another Registrar if you like at any time. Many Registrars will hold your Domain name ransom if you fail to make a payment for some reason. This means they take ownership of it, and can ask hundreds or thousands of dollars from you to get it back. In addition there are many companies who try to trick you into transferring your domain to them. COIN Services works as a broker. I give you full ownership of your domain and insure that it is renewed with the Registrar in a timely manner so that your Domain is always yours as long as you still want it. I shop for the lowest pricing and pass the savings to you.
In October 2024 we are offering a special consultation for only $55. You can ask all your questions and have them answered by an internet specialist with decades of experience. There is no obligation to purchase anything else, and you will learn how you can experience a presence on the Internet through your own website and email.
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