What does it take to get on the internet with your business, hobby or interest? This is just what I have been doing practically since the Internet started being used publicly.
Step 5: You need professional looking Email.
If you have taken the time and expense to register the perfect Domain name why would you not choose to use it with your emails as well? In my opinion people who use gmail, outlook or other domain names for their professional correspondence are missing out on a very simple step that if taken would make their business rank so much higher with their customers.
If you like, you can use a large company like Microsoft (or even Google) to host the email for your domain. You can link it to your Office 365 account or even use the email function of cPanel on your own web server.
Over the past decades I have built several mail servers and hosted email accounts on them. The first was the original Microsoft Exchange server which used a modem to dial up the modem attached to an Exchange server at the company to which you have addressed your email. I am so happy that now we have the Internet and such connections are no longer needed.
I would love to help you get your domain attached to an email server so that you can enjoy the extra prestige and brand exposure for your business that an email address from your custom domain would provide.
In October 2024 we are offering a special consultation for only $55. You can ask all your questions and have them answered by an internet specialist with decades of experience. There is no obligation to purchase anything else, and you will learn how you can experience a presence on the Internet through your own website and email. Get all your questions answered. The only stupid question is the one you didn’t ask.
This is the final installment of this series. I hope you have appreciated it.
Click on the following links the other parts of this series.
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