The ABC’s of an Internet presence. PART 4

What does it take to get on the internet with your business, hobby or interest? This is just what I have been doing practically since the Internet started being used publicly.

Step 4: You need Software.

There are so many options that I simply can’t cover them all here. I will stick with the most popular which are the ones I have used the most. My web server software of choice is Apache. It has been out and very stable for many years. There are versions that run on many platforms including Windows, but I prefer to use it on a Linux server. The code for the website also has many ways to generate it. You can actually type it in as a text file, but that is rather tedious and there are many, many rules that you have to remember. Also you don’t know what your page looks like until you are finished and view it in a web browser window. I have done this and I have used many other tools in the past including Front Page and Dreamweaver, but my current favorite is WordPress.

WordPress is more of a content management package rather than a simple page editor. There is a lot of power available to you and an endless number of plug-ins and options to make the perfect website to your specifications. I am able to edit the templates used to come up with whatever format I want a site to look like. My biggest problem (if you haven’t already realized it by now) is that I am in no means a graphic designer. However, if there is a graphic designer out there and wants a web page to be laid out according to your vision, that is something I CAN do.

The last piece of software I recommend it cPanel. Generally you don’t buy this because the best hosting sites include it as part of the server’s monthly cost. cPanel has the ability to maintain backups of your site and manage the backend extremely well. It automates updates and SSL certificates so you don’t have to worry about these things. One of the best features is the ability to move your website seamlessly from one server to another.

In October 2024 we are offering a special consultation for only $55. You can ask all your questions and have them answered by an internet specialist with decades of experience. There is no obligation to purchase anything else, and you will learn how you can experience a presence on the Internet through your own website and email. Get all your questions answered. The only stupid question is the one you didn’t ask.

Click on the following links the other parts of this series.





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